Bitesize awareness-raising videos
Deliver on the current demand for short, sharp, entertaining, and informative content. Augment your cyber security awareness-raising content with bespoke bitesize videos that we can create for you - or choose an off-the-shelf package.
At Cygenta, we have delivered live in-house awareness sessions for clients in over 25 countries, to audiences that have now totalled over 50,000 people. We pour our experience into developing awareness-raising content that gets people talking about cyber security - and making positive behaviour changes.
This content is now available for you to use on demand in your LMS or to share in your organisation as you see fit.

How a Hack Works
The video series
How a Hack Works is our most popular package. Rooted in demonstrations of cyber attacks, this awareness-raising content demystifies cyber security, bringing it to life.
There are different packages available. All of them include six bitesize awareness videos that will get your whole organisation talking about cyber security.
Episode 1
Cybercrime Explained
We uncover the cybercrime ecosystem, explaining how cyber criminals operate, from ‘scattergun’ attacks to bespoke offensive tool makers to cybercrime enterprises and entrepreneurs.
This bitesize video is a must-watch overview. It defines the threat groups behind cyber-attacks and incidents, from the nation state advanced persistent threat to hacktivists and everyone in between.
As well as external threat groups, we also cover malicious and non-malicious insiders.
Episode 2
Hacking Humans
We explore how cyber criminals use psychological tricks in cyber-attacks, taking advantage of human nature to exploit us.
We show that, while we are all susceptible to social engineering, there are red flags that we can all look out for to spot a social engineering attack. When people understand how scammers cloud our judgement, it helps them tune into times when they are being manipulated.
We share top tips to be better-protected. This video supports organisations that are building a ‘just culture’ where people feel empowered to report phishing messages without the worry that they will be blamed.
Episode 3
Phishing in Action
This video brings cyber security to life in an engaging and impactful way, with a demonstration of a spear- phishing attack.
In this insight into how cyber criminals operate, we show the attacker and victim side of a phishing email. People have been told many times not to click suspicious links, but often have not been given the chance to understand why.
Jargon-free and accessible for all, this video is fundamental viewing if you want to encourage greater reporting of suspected phishing emails.
It leaves everyone talking about how to avoid being phished.
Episode 4
Hacking Passwords in Action
Passwords are the key to online security, but many people still struggle to create and manage secure passwords. Too-often, cyber security communications share password advice but without showing why passwords are vulnerable.
In this video, we uncover how cyber criminals compromise passwords and what makes a secure password - plus what makes an insecure one! We show the importance of secure passwords with a demonstration of password cracking.
We end with three golden rules for good password security, along with advice on how to put those rules into practice them.
Episode 5
Ransomware in Action
In this video, we unpick an attack that continues to dominate the threat landscape: ransomware.
We explain what ransomware is and why it has grown so phenomenally, with an overview of Ransomware as a Service. Most importantly, we share a demonstration of a ransomware attack that brings this attack to life.
Viewers see what happens when a computer is infected with ransomware, experiencing how it feels and just how impactful it can be.
The video concludes with advice that everyone can follow to avoid ransomware - and be prepared for it.
Episode 6
Uncovering the Dark Web
We peel back the layers of the internet with an overview of the deep, dark and surface web.
This video exposes the criminal underbelly that can be found on the dark web, balanced with an explanation of the positive side to a more anonymous network.
People often hear of the dark web and this video gives them a chance to really understand what it is and why it exists.
This video helps to answer a common question about cyber crime: how come criminals get away with so much online?
What is included in the package?
The How a Hack Works package includes six videos as a standard.
There is an option to add your branding and even have fully bespoke videos. There is also supporting collateral available to complement each video, including digital fliers, key takeaways and presentation decks.
How long is each video?
Each video is between 5 and 10 minutes long.
How much does it cost?
The price is tiered according to size of organisation, because we understand that budgets vary depending on the size of a workforce and we want as many people as possible to benefit from our awareness-raising. Please get in touch for a no-obligation quote. If you advise us how many people work at your organisation, we will give you a price straight away.
Can you make bespoke videos for me?
Of course! Please get in touch so we can explain how we can meet your requirements.
Do we need to have a particular platform to access these videos?
Nope. We share the files with you so that you can add then to your existing platform or share them internally as you see fit.
Is there a trailer we can watch?
Yes :) Scroll up the page or watch on YouTube here.

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