"These past few weeks have awakened many people to the very real injustice and inequality that Black people face around the world every day. It’s an injustice and inequality that means there are police officers literally getting away with murder. The truth is, Black people face disadvantages every day. An often visible and invisible headwind that white people don’t have to face. It is, of course, a challenging issue. And it’s okay to admit that you don’t know where to start." VersusRacism
This community has done a lot for gender diversity and inclusion over the last few years. We still have problems, but we are at least talking and making progress. It is long overdue that we do the same with regards to racism.
We must fight for inclusion and equity.
Over the last couple of weeks, we've been talking about these issues internally at Cygenta. We have also been having conversations with Oz Alashe, Becky Pinkard and Kunjal Tanna. We’ve been listening, sharing and considering what we can do, what the community can do and how we can support individuals and companies who want to take action but don’t know where to start. We’ve discussed the fact that these conversations can be uncomfortable, and that discomfort is often necessary for progress.
Perhaps recent events have prompted you to face up to the reality of racism like never before. Perhaps racism is something you live with everyday. Regardless of the reason, if you want to do something, visit VersusRacism.com and join the pledge. Share it, discuss it and take action on it.
From all of us at Cygenta 💜